The world's Best White Marble and Dolomite in the World – NAMIB BIANCO !

Release Date:2024-07-24 17:39

1. Namib Bianco: The Gobal Top-Tier White Marble


 NAMIB BIANCO – Awarded“The Most Beautiful Stone of 2023”


Namib Bianco comes in two distinct textures: clustered and diagonal. The clustered texture is dignified and grand, while the diagonal texture is elegant and free-flowing. The overall texture is fine and even, with exceptional translucency. It resembles jade, with a white and translucent interlacing, exuding an extraordinary aura.


(1)Water Absorption Rate of Only 0.06% – The Lowest in the World for White Marble



Water absorption is a key indicator of stone quality and performance. Other white marbles on the market, such as Carrara, have a water absorption rate of 0.35%; Volakas has a rate of 0.28%, and Statuario has a rate of 0.92%. Namib Bianco, with its extremely low water absorption rate of 0.06%, far surpasses the average for other white marbles.


(2)Superior Heat Absorption Performance, Ideal for Buildings in Regions with High Temperatures


Slav White Mosque, Dubai


Namib Bianco Marble possesses strong heat absorption properties which help reduce heat absorption by buildings, mitigating internal temperatures and providing a cooler environment. This makes it an excellent choice for building materials in tropical and Middle Eastern regions. White is often seen as a symbol of purity, elegance, and nobility in the Middle East, aligning with local aesthetic preferences in architecture. Combining the physical properties of Royal White Marble with these cultural factors, it becomes the ideal choice for constructing palaces, mosques, and other cultural buildings in the region.




2. Higher Quality Attributes At Unbeatable Cost Advantage


(1)Dolomite With High Translucency, High Hardness, Pure White Base Color Without Cracks


MARBLE & Dolomite Blocks  Namib Bianco


Namib Bianco has a pure base color and excellent physical properties,  which makes it promising and the best choice for various engineering projects. At present, we offer blocks, slabs/tiles, mosaics, and countertop(prefab). We also have stone products such as tombstones and nameplates, as well as home crafts such as trays, vases, rolling pins, and incense burners.


MARBLE & Dolomite Slabs  Namib Bianco


MARBLE & Dolomite Mosaics  Namib Bianco


MARBLE & Dolomite Countertop  Namib Bianco


MARBLE & Dolomite Crafts  Namib Bianco


(2)Extremely Advantageous Pricing, The Most Cost-Effective White Marble on the Market



BCS owns serveral quarries around the world. Namib Bianco originates from BCS’s own quarries in Namibia, Africa, with a total area of 2200 km². For the past 14 years, BCS has been continuously exploring and mining stones in Africa. Currently, we have dozens of marbles and granites in rich and delicate colors: Namib Bianco, Bianco Palomino, Verde Fantasy, Elephant Grey, African Canyon, African Silver, Fendi White, Oyster White, Namib Fantasy, Grigio Fantasy, African Persa, African Gold. Be fully assured of both price and quality advantages for all stones produced by BCS, surpassing similar product offerings on the market.


3. Fulfilling All Your Requirements!




(1)New Mining Technology, Rough Blocks Can Reach Up to 3.5 Meters in Length


Modifying traditional mining methods, introducing efficient mining technologies and mechanized continuous mining techniques, to achieve fully digital and automated mining. Breaking the traditional specifications of rough blocks, our maximum length of rough blocks can reach 3.5 meters.


(2)Two Processing Bases in Namibia, the Most Modernized in Africa


Walvis Bay Production and Processing Base


BCS has two production and processing bases in Namibia: Walvis Bay and Karibib. Between them, the Walvis Bay production and processing base is the largest and most advanced stone production base in Africa, effectively guaranteeing the production quality and delivery cycle of every order.


Karibib Production and Processing Base


4. Up To 3 Days For International Delivery!




(1)Full-Process Industry Chain from Production to Transportation, Orders Shipped Immediately


From mine extraction to stone processing and freight transportation, BCS possesses a complete full-process industry chain, ensuring the production requirements of the Namibian production and processing bases for all global stone orders at each stage. After production and processing, direct factory shipment is prioritized, saving delivery time.


(2)Relying on a Convenient Water and Land Transportation System, Global Orders Delivered in as few as Three Days


The two production and processing bases in Walvis Bay and Karibib are located near ports with developed water and land transportation systems. Therefore, our orders can significantly reduce logistics transportation time costs, with global orders delivered in as few as three days.


Contact Us

Walvis Bay Production and Processing Base:


Karibib Production and Processing Base:




Choose NAMIB BIANCO, Choose the Best White Marble and Dolomite in the World!


More Premium Stone Materials from Namibia:






Stone Material: Marble

Water Absorption Rate: 0.23%

Bulk Specific Gravity: 2.61g/cm³

Flexural Strength: 10.2MPa

Compressive Strength: 115MPa

Mohs Hardness:5








Stone Material: Marble

Water Absorption Rate: 0.06%

Bulk Specific Gravity: 2.9g/cm³

Flexural Strength: 12.1MPa

Compressive Strength: 146MPa

Mohs Hardness:6








Stone Material: Marble

Water Absorption: 0.14%

Bulk Specific Gravity: 2.71g/cm³

Flexural Strength: 4.8MPa

Compressive Strength: 73MPa

Wear Resistance Performance: 121cm³









Stone Material: Granite

Water Absorption: 0.40%

Bulk Specific Gravity: 2.60g/cm³

Flexural Strength: 8.5MPa

Compressive Strength: 120MPa











Stone Material: Granite









Royal Grey

Stone Material: Marble













Stone Material: Marble













Stone Material: Marble













Stone Material: Marble

Water Absorption: 0.06%

Bulk Specific Gravity: 2.81g/cm³

Flexural Strength: 7.6MPa

Compressive Strength: 93.2MPa









Stone Material: Marble

Water Absorption : 0.06%

Bulk Specific Gravity: 2.81g/cm³

Flexural Strength: 7.6MPa

Compressive Strength: 93.2MPa









Stone Material: Granite

Water Absorption: 0.30%

Bulk Specific Gravity: 2.61g/cm³

Flexural Strength: 8.7MPa

Compressive Strength: 128.1MPa









Stone Material: Granite

Water Absorption: 0.40%

Bulk Specific Gravity: 2.60g/cm³

Flexural Strength: 8.5MPa

Compressive Strength: 120MPa