The "Shengcai Youdao" design application study tour designer team exchange visit at BC Stone Shandong Company

Release Date:2021-08-02 00:00

On August 2, 2021, the "Shengcai Youdao" design application study tour and Weihaiwei designer study tour team visited BC Stone Group Shandong Company (Rongcheng Zhonglei Technology Development Co., Ltd.) for research and exchange. The event was organized by the China Building Design Association, with the Material Application Branch of the China Building Design Association as the organizer. Mr. Meng Jianguo, Chief Architect of China Architecture Design & Research Group and President of Beijing Building Design Association, along with a group of accomplished designers, attended the event. Mr. Gao Zhonglin, Chairman of BC Stone Group, and Mr. Wu Zhiwei, Executive Director and General Manager of Shandong Company, were present to welcome the delegation.



Live scene of the exchange meeting

At the beginning of the event, Mr. Gao Zhonglin, Chairman of BC Stone Group, warmly welcomed the visiting designer study tour team and provided a detailed introduction to the development history of Best Cheer brands, global strategic layout, and the full range of products. This allowed the guests to gain a fresh understanding of Best Cheer. Both sides engaged in in-depth discussions and exchanges about the relationship between design and stone.




Mr. Gao Zhonglin, Chairman of BC STONE Group, had a cordial exchange with the Designers Study Tour Designers


After the symposium, the designer study tour team drove to BC Stone Group's mining and stone processing base in Weihai, Shandong to visit and experience up close the process from mining to the production of finished products. The new green mining practices, advanced intelligent mining equipment, large-scale modern factories, intricate stone production processes, and the meticulous attention to product details all reflect BC's pursuit of high standards and high quality. It refreshed and enlightened the designers' understanding of the stone industry.



BC STONE Shandong Isoland Red Mine



BC STONE Shandong Processing Base


As a global leader in the stone industry and a leading figure in the Chinese design field, BC Stone and Mr. Meng Jianguo had already formed a connection through stone as early as 1995. They collaborated on the construction of the tallest building in Weihai at that time, the CITIC Financial Building. From the exterior façade to the interior design, they pioneered the extensive use of BC Stone's Weihai Mining Area's Granite Isoland Red, known for its durable texture and beautiful color. After more than twenty years, the building still maintains its original newness and quality.



Weihai CITIC Financial Building













BC STONE's self-owned natural stone in Shandong


Natural stone is a form of natural art and also an expression of architectural ideas. BC STONE cherishes every opportunity to communicate and collaborate with designers, always striving to create classic architectural works with craftsmanship. In the foreseeable future, BC will fully integrate global resource advantages to provide more support for designers in their creations.